The Company guarantees, that all customers shall be delivered high-quality product, although you may make decision to exchange or return the product.
If you have made decision to return or exchange the product, you may contact us on email:, you may indicate order number and reason, why you want to return/exchange the indicated product. It is available to send request to return/exchange the product maximum within 24 hours since delivering the product.
Since the product is returned, our representative in the field of quality control shall inspect and if all paragraphs, indicated below are met, the paid money shall be reimbursed within 5-7 working days on the bank card used by you.
The return product shall meet the following criteria:
- There should be kept location of branch benchmarks and wholeness.
- There should be kept the same packaging, where the product had been located earlier.
- The product shall have no signs of damage on material / leather,
- The product should not be washed and cleaned.
Unfortunately, if at least one criteria is not met among all indicated one, the request on returning/exchanging the product shall not be received.
In addition, if the product is damaged by the time of its return, for the reason of incorrect packaging from the side of the customer, it will be impossible to return / exchange the product and the product shall be returned back to the customer.
At this stage, in case of returning /exchanging the product, the customer shall cover the expense of returning the product.
The product shall be returned at the same address:
- 105 Evgenia Maisuradze str.
- 0152, Tbilisi
If you need additional information contact us on email: